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  • KAS-20

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AVL and Dispatch Software

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Key Features

Windows-based software with AVL and Dispatch features
Low-cost initial package, optional license upgrades
Two configurations for enhanced scalability:
- A simple, PC-based standalone AVL & Dispatch system
- Multi-client operation with remote server; accepts up to 8 RF systems and 10 clients
UI design with emphasis on functionality and maneuverability
Supports diverse digital radio systems
User-selectable options: Location Management, Voice Dispatch, Voice Path, Multi-client capability for a server, Voice Record and RF System functions

Software Options

Flexible and scalable operator positions

Software Basic Features

Multi-role dispatching functions
- IP Voice dispatch console
- AVL, fleet monitoring and mapping
- Call log and Event sharing
- Voice recording/playback
Supports multiple KENWOOD IP interfaces: DMR Conv, NXDN Conv, Type-C Trunking and Gen2
High optimized GUI
- User configurable call windows and patch windows
- Map with editable unit icons, groups and imported layers
- Shortcut keys and configurable key bindings
Server managed user levels, configurations and permissions.
Up to 30 users can be registered with 10 simultaneous logins.
Server stores all communications log and data such as GPS, Status, messages, audio, etc.
Import/export asset lists (e.g. unit, group, fleet) via TSV format
Manual/audio asset list creation

Software Fleet Management Features

Location management for up to 1.000 subscriber units
Compatible with both Open StreetMap and scanned maps
KML and CSV export
Image layers can be individually switched on or off via Additional Layer Window
Auto & manual polling, Loneworker, GPS time mark, GeoFencing, Track units, Go to home position, etc.
Position Log & Play

Software Dispatch & Voice Recording Features

Console to: Unit, Talkgroup/Channel, Console calls
Soft vocoder: Capable of simultaneous processing of up to 8 paths
Configurable Call Box window
- Put any individual, talkgroup, console with priority
- Adjustable volume/mute per call box
- UID/alias indicator
- Configurable color and size
Voice recording and playback
- Stores all voice in AMBE+2, quick replay from log window
- Exports voice data to MP3 data format



KAS-20 NEXEDGE® NXDN™ and DMR AVL and Dispatch Software Suite

The all-in-one Dispatch and AVL solution for NEXEDGE Gen2 Trunking, Trunk C, NXDN IP conventional and DMR IP conventional

KAS-20 AVL and Dispatch Software is compatible with KENWOOD digital radio systems and runs on Windows and Windows Server. It offers a cost-effective way to start a basic, scalable AVL and dispatch system and supports both NXDN and DMR digital protocols. KAS-20 features a user-friendly Graphical UI and map displays for intuitive operation, the software enables seamless operations to control multiple subscriber units on the same network, employing either a client configuration or a server configuration with multiple clients while, by purchasing optional licenses, you can add several value-added features in the future to meet your specific needs.



Product Highlights

-  Windows-based software with AVL and Dispatch features.
-  Low-cost package with optional license upgrades.
-  Two configurations for enhanced scalability: - A simple, PC-based standalone AVL & Dispatch system - Multi-client operation with remote server; accepts up to 8 different RF systems and 10 PC clients.
-  UI design with emphasis on functionality and maneuverability.
-  Supports diverse digital radio systems.
-  User-selectable options: Location Management, Voice Dispatch, Voice Path, Multi-client capability for a server, Voice Record, and RF System functions.


Fleet Management Features
-  Location management for up to 1,000 subscriber units.
-  Compatible with both OpenStreetMap and scanned maps.
-  KML and CSV export.
-  Image layers can be individually switched on or off via Additional Layer Window.
-  Auto & manual polling, Loneworker, GPS time mark, GeoFencing, Track units, Go to home position, etc.
-  Position Log & Play.


Basic Features
-  Flexible and scalable operator positions.
-  Multi-role dispatching functions - IP Voice dispatch console - AVL, fleet monitoring and mapping - Call log and Event sharing - Voice recording/playback.
-  Supports multiple KENWOOD IP interfaces: DMR Conv, NXDN Conv, Type-C Trunking, and Gen2.
-  Innovative, highly optimised GUI - User configurable call windows and patch windows - Map with editable unit icons, groups, and imported layers - Shortcut keys and configurable key bindings.
-  Server managed user levels, configurations, and permissions; Up to 30 users can be registered with 10 simultaneous logins.
-  Server stores all communications log and data such as GPS, status, messages, audio, etc.
-  Import/export asset lists (e.g. unit, group, fleet) via TSV format.
-  Manual/auto asset list creation.


Dispatch and Voice Recording Features
-  Console to: Unit, Talkgroup/Channel, Console calls.
-  AMBE+2, software vocoder: Capable of simultaneous processing of up to 8 paths.
-  3 configurable software patch group.
-  Configurable Call Box window - Put any individual, talkgroup, console with priority - Adjustable volume/mute per call box - UID/alias indicator - Configurable colour and size.
-  Voice recording and playback - Stores all voice in AMBE+2, quick replay from log window - Exports voice data to MP3 data format.



KAS-20 Server Overview

-  KAS-20S is a server application software that stores and manages Setting data, Log data, GPS data, status, messages and audio in the database.
-  KAS-20S handles processes such as managing the capacity of the database, request for GPS data transmission, and determination of Geofence.
-  Up to 30 users can be registered with 10 simultaneous logins.

Kenwood KAS-20 Server Overview



KAS-20 Client Overview

-  KAS-20C is a client application software that possesses both the functions of AVL and Dispatch.
-  • KAS-20C allows to display and manage mobile stations on a map, send or receive text or status messages between the base station and a mobile station, or initiate a voice call.

Kenwood KAS-20 Client Overview



KAS-20 Hardware Requirements

-  PC system requirements

Kenwood KAS-20 Hardware Requiements pc system

-  Compatible Communication Systems

Kenwood KAS-20 Hardware requirements compatibe comms system


KAS-20 Design Concept

-  HCD (Human Centered Design concept)

Kenwood KAS-20 Design Concept


KAS-20 Configuration

Standalone Dispatch and AVL configuration:

-  In standalone configuration, the KAS-20C (Client) and KAS-20S (Server) are installed on the same PC:

Kenwood KAS-20 Dispatch & AVL Configuration

Typical Standalone Dispatch and AVL configuration:

Kenwood KAS-20 Standalone Dispatch & AVL configuration

Client-Server Dispatch and AVL Configuration:

-  When the KAS-20S and KAS-20C are installed on two separate PCs, the KAS-20 AVL/ Dispatch system can be used as a server-client configuration.
-  The KAS-20S can be accessed from multiple PCs that are installed with the KAS-20C (up to 10 clients at any one time).

KAS-20 Client-server dispatch & AVL config

Typical Client-Server Dispatch and AVL Configuration:

KAS-20 Typical-Server dispatch & AVL config

Typical Configuration (Standalone + Server-Client):

When the KAS-20S and KAS-20C are installed on the same PC but with additional KAS-20C connected at the KAS-20S/KAS-20C PCs.

KAS-20 standalone + server-client



KAS-20 Licenses

-  Please consult your Kenwood Authorised Reseller for further full details

Kenwood KAS-20 Licenses




KAS-20 Voice Dispatcher Basic Features

-  Flexible and scalable operator positions
-  Multi-role dispatching functions
-  IP Voice dispatch console
-  Call log and Event sharing
-  Voice recording/playback
-  Supports multiple KENWOOD IP interfaces: DMR Conv, NXDN Conv
-  Type-C Trunking and Gen2
-  Highly optimised GUI
-  User configurable call windows and patch windows
-  Shortcut keys and configurable key bindings
-  Server managed user levels, configurations, and permissions;
-  Import/export asset lists (e.g. unit, group, fleet) via CSV format
-  Manual/auto asset list creation



RF Systems:

-  DMR Conv, NXDN Conv, Type-C Trunking, and Gen2 (max 8)

KAS-20 RF systems



Dispatch Window:

KAS-20 Dispatch Window




Console Voice Call to:

-  Unit ID, Talkgroup/Channel, Console ID

KAS-20 console voice call



Customisable GUI:

KAS-20 customisable GUI



Users Auto-Registration:

-  When a Voice call, Message or Status is received, the mobile station can be registered automatically to the Mobile Stations List.

KAS-20 users auto-registration



Patch Group Calls Option:

-  A voice call received by the KAS-20C can be forwarded to a mobile station that is registered in Patch Group.
-  When a voice call is received from a mobile station registered in a Patch Group, the received call is forwarded to All other mobile stations registered in the Patch Group.

KAS-20 patch group calls option



Layout of Dispatch Box:

KAS-20 layout of dispatch box



Send Status, Text Data, Special Command:

KAS-20 send status, text data, special command



Volume and Encryption:

KAS-20 volume & encryption



Call Logos:

KAS-20 call logs



Playback of a Recorded Voice Call:

KAS-20 playback recorded voice call



MP3 Export of Recorded Call:

KAS-20 MP3 export of recorded call




KAS-20 AVL Basic Features:

-  A voice call received by the KAS-20C can be forwarded to a mobile station that is registered in Patch Group.
-  When a voice call is received from a mobile station registered in a Patch Group, the received call is forwarded to All other mobile stations registered in the Patch Group.
-  A voice call received by the KAS-20C can be forwarded to a mobile station that is registered in Patch Group.
-  When a voice call is received from a mobile station registered in a Patch Group, the received call is forwarded to All other mobile stations registered in the Patch Group.

KAS-20 AVl Window




AVL Open-Street Map:

KAS-20 AVl Open-Street Map




Geofence on Open-Street Map:

KAS-20 Geofence on Open-Street Map




Geofence on Open-Street Map - Alert:

KAS-20 Geofence on Open-Street Map Alert




GPS Position Replay on Open-Street Map:

KAS-20 GPS position replay on Open-Street Map



Layer Display Function:

-  The icons created by the user can be selectively displayed on the map.

KAS-20 Layer Display Function




Display and Operation During Emergency Mode:

-  When an emergency occurs at a mobile station, the icon of the mobile station changes to an “Emergency” icon, and an emergency tone is emitted.
-  The emergency bar at the bottom of the AVL Window lights up in red.

KAS-20 Emergency mode


-   When an emergency occurs at a mobile station that is not displayed on the map, an icon representing the direction of the location of the mobile station is displayed on the map in any of the 8 directions (up, down, left, right and diagonals).

KAS-20 Emergency mode 1



KAS-20 Dispatch and AVL Suite Summary

All-in-one Dispatch and AVL Solution for NEXEDGE Gen2 Trunking, NXDN Trunk C, NXDN IP conventional and DMR IP conventional

-  Standalone replacement for KAS-10.
-  Server and Client (shared resources.
-  DMR compatible.
-  NEXEDGE NXDN and Gen2 compatible.
-  Accommodates multiple radio systems and different systems.
-  User-friendly and intuitive GIU.
-  Snail trails.
-  Overlay layers.


Near future developments:

-  Support for Serial Connection: FleetSync, 5-Tone, NXDN serial and DMR mode.
-  AES/DES and ARC4 encryption