A rich history with a strong stake in the future

After nineteen years in production, JVCKENWOOD finally discontinued production the TS-2000E at the end of 2018. The 160m-23cm all-mode “2000 Series” was the company’s longest running base station and many thousands found their way into Ham shacks throughout the world.
As a company built on applying the latest technology to radio communications equipment, you might wonder how a KENWOOD product launched in 2001 could remain in production for so long. The answer is simple, because we believe that the market and existing owners of Ham radio equipment don’t want to invest their hard-earned savings into products with built-in obsolescence and certainly don’t need shiny bells and whistles if they don’t deliver a leap forward in performance. It’s this approach to the careful development and testing of Ham radio equipment and the release of firmware updates throughout a product’s lifecycle that ensures continuity of support to Ham radio users throughout a long product lifespan.
This can be seen in our HF product range, which have always set the benchmark for others to follow. The KENWOOD TS-830 for example, was introduced in 1980 and set the bar so high for 160-10m transceivers in its day, that nothing could match its performance and ease of use. Many more stand-out products followed over the next 40 years including the TS-930S, TS-940S, TS-850S, TS-950S, TS-870S to name but a few.
With the current HF/6m & V/U range, the TM-D710G, TH-D74E, TS-590SG, TS-890S and the flagship TS-990S, KENWOOD transceivers remain the preferred choice for the more discerning HF & V/U operator. All three HF base stations score highly in the respected Sherwood Engineering receiver Test Data figures, a point further endorsed by Peter Hart, G3SJX, the RSGB chief equipment reviewer, who summarised his impression of our TS-890S with: “An impressive radio, its performance is excellent and the level of built-in features and functions second to none”.
Just over a year ago, we appointed ML&S Martin Lynch & Sons Ltd as the sole UK distributor of our Amateur Radio products in the UK and Ireland, reflecting its standing in the market and the contribution it makes to the radio community. I think Martin Lynch’s comment at the time captures our position today: “Kenwood has a very loyal and established following in Ham Radio dating back to 1958. Their product range may have fewer models than other manufacturers but once a customer has invested in Kenwood equipment it’s very rare that they move to another brand. We are proud to be their only distributor for Ham Radio products in the U.K and look forward to exciting product updates and new releases in the years to come”.
In spite of some rumours circulating in the community of late, I can categorically confirm that with so much invested in the Amateur Radio market, JVCKENWOOD remains committed to its long-standing and new customers and will continue to design and manufacture innovative products that offer performance and lasting value for many years to come.
Mike Atkins